Three albums of original material are on this website. YOU CAN LISTEN FOR FREE by clicking on any album title at the top of this page: Desperate Grooves, Calling All Sinners or My Dizzy Visions.
THANKS TO GREG PACKHAM of Packham Music Services in Fairfield, Connecticut for recording, producing and engineering my albums. He also played drums, bass, keyoards and percussion on all these tracks; not to mention that he is my guitar teacher.
Thanks also to friends who sang backup vocals for me on songs they had never heard before. On "My Dizzy Visions" that would be Lys Guillorn, Madeline Horrigan, Kenneth T. Dixon and Patrick Quinn. On "Calling All Sinners" it is Pastor Tisha Branch, Melodye Merola, June Sibley-Prusak and Chanel Francis. On "Desperate Grooves" it was Dolores Libow, Nancy Dunn, Debra Silber and Pat Quinn.
SPECIAL THANKS to PETE ROE for the superb trumpet playing you hear on the title track of "My Dizzy Visions"; to JOSH GOSS, whose amazing saxophone stands out on "Citizen Cog" and "Star Over Bethlehem" on the "Calling All Sinners" album; and to Vince Montalli who brought his amazing saxophone chops to "Saxocalypse" and "Such A Marblehead" on the Desperate Grooves album.
I wrote the words and music, sang and played guitar and harmonica, and also played trumpet on a few of the tracks.
Thanks to Ron Cioffi for the album cover graphics especially for creating the cover concept and image on Desperate Grooves. Ron is a great songwriter and guitar player in his own right and the first musician who liked my songs enough to invite me to form a band with him. Remember The Neediest!
Thanks to my wonderful wife, Rebecca Anderson, who encouraged me to start recording my songs, and who took the cover photo that I used on "My Dizzy Visioins."
Thanks to my son Daniel and my daughter Elizabeth, for their support.
Dave Gregorio, September 2020